about video

We are your community

Oh, how we are seem so much transformation.  Never did we know that trying to solve our problem would culminate in solving the challenges  experienced a a lot more.

And so on May 30 2019, a few of us started an online group in a bid to exchanging our monies. Baby steps, lots of errors, lots of mistakes and corrections.  Never for once did we think we know it all.

And today, the baby steps are still being walked. 

What Service We Provide


Send Money

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


Receive Money

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


Pay Online

No need to visit an agent.

Mission and vision

We Made The Easiest Possible Way To Transfer Money

Puoi trasferire denaro da casa o durante gli spostamenti con la nostra app pluripremiata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing aliqua. Quis ipsum suspe ultrices gravida

  • Our Mission

    Puoi trasferire denaro da casa o durante gli spostamenti con la nostra app pluripremiata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing aliqua. Quis ipsum suspe ultrices gravida

  • Our Vision

    Puoi trasferire denaro da casa o durante gli spostamenti con la nostra app pluripremiata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing aliqua. Quis ipsum suspe ultrices gravida

  • Our Goal

    Puoi trasferire denaro da casa o durante gli spostamenti con la nostra app pluripremiata Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing aliqua. Quis ipsum suspe ultrices gravida

How to send money with Remitsolution

Faster, simpler, safer - send to those you love today.

We Guarantee Seamless Experience.


Sign up

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


Low fee and high rate

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


Check money log

No need to visit an agent.


Bank payment system

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


5 star service

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer


Africa remittance

No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, from your smartphone or computer

Payment method

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